Aims & Obectives


Provide an innovative and academically challenging experience in order to meet the technological revolution globally OBJECTIVES B.Sc. Nursing programmes is designed to prepare the students to:
» Perform as competent professional nurses in a variety of health care setting.
» Function effectively as a member of inter disciplinary health team and as a leader of nursing team.
For environmental and pollution control stimulations to plantation programme.
» Exhibit a Scientific attitude of independent enquiry into nursing problems.
» Continue personal and professional growth through ongoing education and self evaluation.
» Be eligible for licensure and for entrance into post graduate programmes of nursing education.


Prepare graduates to assume responsibilities as nurse specialists, consultants, educators, administrators in a wide variety of professional settings OBJECTIVES M.Sc. Nursing programmes is designed to prepare the students to:
» Utilize/apply the concepts, theories and principles of nursing science
» Demonstrate advance competence in practice of nursing
» Practice as nurse specialist.
To follow and encourage Govt. Policies.
» Demonstrate leadership qualities and function effectively as nurse educators and manger
Employment generating courses.
» Demonstrate skill in conducting nursing research, interpreting and utilizing the findings from health related research.
Establishment of Medical and Technical educational Institution.
» Demonstrate the ability to plan and effect change in nursing practice and in the health care delivery system
»  Establish collaborative relationship with members of other disciplines
»  Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement


» » Prepare nurses with a sound educational programme in nursing to enable them to function as efficient members of the health team.
» Function effectively as a member of inter disciplinary health team and as a leader of nursing team.
Help Nurses develop an ability to co-operate and co-ordinate with members of the health ream in the prevention of disease, promotion of health and rehabilitation of the sick.
» Serve as a base for further professional education and specialization in nursing.


G.N.M.Nursing programmes is designed to prepare the students to:
»  Assess the nursing need of clients from birth to death
»  Plan and carry out appropriate action to meet nursing needs
» Apply problem solving techniques in nursing practice
» Continue personal and professional growth through ongoing education and self evaluation.
»  Apply knowledge from the humanities, biological and behavioral sciences in functioning as a nurse
»  Demonstrate use of ethical values in their personal and professional life.
»  Recognize the need for continuing education for professional development
»  Demonstrate basic skills in teaching patients and giving nursing care to them
»  Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement


»  Prepare nurses with a sound educational programme in nursing to enable them to function as efficient members of the health team.
»  Help Nurses develop an ability to co-operate and co-ordinate with members of the health ream in the prevention of disease, promotion of health and rehabilitation of the sick.
» Serve as a base for further professional education and specialization in nursing.


G.N.M. Nursing programmes is designed to prepare the students to:
»  Assess the nursing need of clients from birth to death
»  Plan and carry out appropriate action to meet nursing needs
» Apply problem solving techniques in nursing practice
» Apply problem solving techniques in nursing practice
» Apply knowledge from the humanities, biological and behavioral sciences in functioning as a nurse
» Demonstrate use of ethical values in their personal and professional life \
» Recognize the need for continuing education for professional development
»  Demonstrate basic skills in teaching patients and giving nursing care to them
» Demonstrate basic skills in teaching patients and giving nursing care to them

»  Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement


Assume responsibilities as professional, competent nurses and midwives at basic level in providng promotive , preventive, curative.


G.N.M.Nursing programmes is designed to prepare the students to:
G.N.M. Nursing programmes is designed to prepare the students to:
»  Assess the nursing need of clients from birth to death
» Plan and carry out appropriate action to meet nursing needs
» Apply problem solving techniques in nursing practice
» Apply knowledge from the humanities, biological and behavioral sciences in functioning as a nurse
» Demonstrate use of ethical values in their personal and professional life the findings from health related research.
» Recognize the need for continuing education for professional development
» Demonstrate basic skills in teaching patients and giving nursing care to them
» Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement

Contact Information

Address:- Barkhedi Kala, Bhadbhada Road, Bhopal- 462 044
Phone :- +91 755-2696776, 9340298554
Email :-